One of the most significant medical breakthroughs in our life time

  • K. B. (Hawaii, USA) Rejuvenation (anti aging)

    Rejuvenation (anti aging)
    Name: K. B.
    Hawaii, USA


    LETTER FROM THE PATIENT: “I am 74 years young I have been healthy most of my life, other than the occasional colds, flu and headaches caused by stress. I’ve always experienced lots of physical vitality. But last year, 2009, I had cataract surgery after which one of my eyes developed a herpes outbreak which, aside from being painful and almost rendering me blind, stressed me out to the max. I was forced to take heavy anti-viral medication, which caused some bad side effects.

    A few months later I developed stomach ulcers caused by h-pylori bacteria. I was put on an intense 2-week anti-biotic regimen. The side effects were devastating and I felt like I would never feel strong and vital again. That’s when I knew I had to do something out of the ordinary to get my health and vitality back.

    Procedure: Health Regen – PBSC autologous adult stem cells therapy

    Treatment Date: December 2009

    Treatment Results:

    CONTINUED LETTER FROM THE PATIENT: My husband had been to a wonderful Health Spa and Resort in Chang Mai Thailand, so we decided to journey there together in hopes of rejuvenation and de-stressing.  Once there, I learned that Thai Regen team visited the Clinic at the Resort once a week to offer consultations on stem cell treatments.  I made an appointment with them, and after they described the treatment and its effects, I signed up to have the Stem Cell Procedure done.

    The results were astounding.  The first thing I noticed only hoursafter the Stem Cells were intravenously injected was that I could feel improved blood circulation.  I have always had cold hands and cold feet due to poor circulation, but the morning after the treatment I awoke in the chilly dawn of the Resort and my feet and hands were nice and warm.

    Three days following my Stem Cell treatment, my whole body started to feel regenerated. My vitality came back; my body felt flexible, young, like it had when I was 18 years old.  My sense of well being was amazing. Along with the shift in my body, my emotions became more balanced. . Joy and inspiration started to bubble out of me like a young woman in love with life. I hadn’t felt that way in years.

    It has been 4 months since my stem cell procedure, and I continue to feel the great vitality, suppleness, and lightness in my body. Even though I have a stressful job as Owner and President of 2 Wedding companies, I don’t have the aches and pains that stress used to cause in my body.I continue to experience a wonderful deep sense of well being and I am beaming with good health. For that I am grateful to Thai Regen and their Stem Cell Treatment.”

    You would like to know more? Please send us an email and we will be happy to put you directly in touch with this patient.

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